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I did both my undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Catania. During my bachelor's, I decided to carry out a small study on schizophrenia in the mental hospital where I used to work as an intern. 

During my Master's, I got interested in emotion-cognition interactions and cognitive neuroscience. 

After graduating, I did an internship at the University of Catania, working on a longitudinal research on the effect of a cognitive training on individuals with Down Syndrome. 

Then, I decided to get more involved with clinical work. Therefore, I passed the exams to be become a chartered psychologist and started working, both with several organisations and doing counselling as a self-employed psychologist. 

After a couple of years, I chose to apply for a PhD program on my main interest: emotion-cognition interactions. My project on the effects of mood on cognition in aging was accepted and funded by the University of Aberdeen. 

I am currently doing research on the effects of mood and aging on different Prospective Memory tasks, in the laboratory and in everyday life, under the supervision of Dr. Katharina Schnitzspahn and Prof. Louise Phillips.  

My Supervisors:


- Dr Katharina Schnitzspahn 


- Prof Louise Phillips





Prospective Memory

I am particularly interested in the differences between event-based and time-based prospective memory, in terms of underlying cognitive processes. 

2016 -2019 University of Aberdeen

PhD Psychology

Emotion-Cognition interactions

Effects of emotionally charged material on cognition, as well as affective states (mood).

Everyday life cognition

Studying cognitive processing outside the lab, in naturalistic settings.

2006-2009 University of Catania

MSc Pychology

2002-2006 University of Catania

Bsc Psychological Sciences and Techniqes

Cognitive Neuroscience

Electrophysiological correlates of cognitive functions.

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